刻蝕機和光刻機的區別:光刻機把圖案印上去,然后刻蝕機根據印上去的圖案刻蝕掉有圖案(或者沒有圖案)的部分,留下剩余的部分。刻蝕相對光刻要容易。如果把在硅晶體上的施工比成木匠活的話,光刻機的作用相當于木匠在木料上用墨斗劃線,刻蝕機的作用相當于木匠在木料上用鋸子、鑿子、斧子、刨子等施工。蝕刻機和光刻機性質一樣,但精度泥桿 保定古箏 塑料增韌劑 拱形護坡模具 保定空調維修 托輥生產線要求是天壤之別。木匠做細活,一般精確到毫米就行。做芯片用的刻蝕機和光刻機,要精確到納米。
The difference between an etching machine and a photolithography
machine: the photolithography machine prints the pattern, and then the
etching machine etches the patterned (or non patterned) part according
to the printed pattern, leaving the remaining part. Etching is easier
than photolithography. If the construction on the silicon crystal is
compared with that of a carpenter, the function of the photolithography
machine is equivalent to that of a carpenter marking with an ink bucket
on the wood, and the function of the etching machine is equivalent to
that of a carpenter using a saw, chisel, ax, plane, etc. on the wood.
The nature of the etching machine is the same as that of the
photolithography machine, but the accuracy requirements are vastly
different. Carpenters usually do fine work to the nearest millimeter.
The etching machine and lithography machine used for making chips should
be accurate to nanometer.